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Ikeeki (
Computer Troubleshooters Brasil

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Qt5Box v0.2 is out!

Just finished uploading Qt5Box v0.2 to my account.

- This new version includes support for all the Cubieboard devices - A10, A20, Cubietruck
- Changed the default Ubuntu environment to gnome-classic without effects, in order to save on resources and usability
- Qt Creator is already included and pre-configured as usual, Qt 5.3.0 is already pre-compiled as well

For access to the files, you can either PM me in the Cubieforums or through here and supply a valid email address, to be granted access on the account.

The Virtualbox OVA file is about 16GB in size and once imported to Virtualbox, the VM will eat away at least 100GB of HDD.

More details in the README.1st doc, as usual.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Cubieboard - Qt 5.3.0 [X11]

After building Qt 5.3.0 for Cubieboard A20 on Framebuffer, I went ahead with another build for X11. I wasn't expecting much hassle, but in the end, some "dirty hacks" were required to be able to cross-compile it, using the same steps and configure lines as with Qt 5.2.1.

As far as I could tell and also from what I gathered on IRC, the wows I got aren't so much Qt's responsability, but rather the Mali library headers for EGL, GLES, etc that may need updating.

In any case, getting past those hurdles and getting QtCinematicExperience to work required these modifications:


#include <QtGui/QCursor>

#   ifdef CursorShape
#       define X_CursorShape CursorShape
#       undef CursorShape
#   endif



#include "qeglplatformintegration_p.h"

#   ifdef CursorShape
#       define X_CursorShape CursorShape
#       undef CursorShape
#   endif



#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>
#include "qeglplatformcontext_p.h"