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Computer Troubleshooters Brasil

Monday, 22 December 2014

QtAV Revisited

Ok, so having a bit of free time to pursue QtAV on cubieboard and following the lead developer's pointers on the previous post, I managed to capture some footage of the results I got so far.

First and foremost, some technical data:

  • using my Cubieboard A20 for this test
  • running Cubian X Desktop, stock version (no modifications done to either script.bin, kernel, X...)
  • natively compiled Qt 5.1.0 for the device
  • included all the pre-compiled dependencies supplied by Wang:

The first run was using the ffmpeg decoder, the second run was using cedarv (failed) and the third run also with cedar succeeded, but the results were pretty much on par with the existing problems with cedar decoding on A10/A20.

If you notice something missing or if you've had proper success beyond this point, please don't hesitate in posting below and sharing your setup with everyone else!