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Computer Troubleshooters Brasil

Saturday, 14 February 2015

QtQuick3D and SailfishOS (Jolla)

Recently I've been doing some work with Blender and since I have a soft spot for Qt and there was a Jolla phone laying around, I decided to do some research into how to get already made 3D models to work within a SailfishOS App. 

And the result was impressive - not just visually, but also code-wise:  

This example is from QtStudios and the source code I got was QtQuick1 - so I decided to try and integrate it in a normal SailfishOS App. The original QtQuick3D tutorial is available here:

What I found best about all this was that the pre-made 3D model could be imported and handled in QML, rather than C++ only - although not sure if Jolla would allow for this particular Qt Module to be used in a Jolla Store published app.

Regardless, it does make way for some interesting developments especially by combining it with Blender, the open source project!

In the meantime, if you own a Jolla phone and wish to try this out, go grab my version using either of the links below:

Jolla SailfishOS variant:

Monday, 9 February 2015

Cubieboard + Gitlab Update

... And my Cubieboard A20 has been running Gitlab and managing code for 19 days and 15min, without a hitch! ;)