Coding Chase - Projects

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Ikeeki (
Computer Troubleshooters Brasil

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Cubietruck Qt 5.2.1 [Framebuffer]

Currently uploading Cubian images to the images account. I went with Cubian this time because my cubietruck didn't seem to work properly with ssvb's branch, even with usual patches for 2GB RAM, reduced memory clock, etc etc etc...

Cubietruck has the same SoC as Cubieboard 2, so as far as Qt5 cross-compilation is concerned, it is the same. The challenge this time, for me, was the added features on Cubietruck, such as built-in wifi and bluetooth.

Cubian git sources, currently at 3.4.79, only consider mali r3p0 - so I had to do some kernel merging to include the r3p2-01rel2 version in there.

But it worked, so in the end I got mali, ethernet, wifi and bluetooth going!

I had been able to cross-compile Qt5 for Cubietruck a while back, so that wasn't new - but back then I really didn't care much for the remaining hardware, which I ended up looking at this time around.

X11 version still to come, but for now, some rest is in order...!

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