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Computer Troubleshooters Brasil

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Qt5Box v0.3 in the works

Having Qt5 marry GStreamer along with GStreamer acceleration for embedded is still to be, although from previous posts, both platforms are working decently enough on Cubieboard.

That said, Qt5Box v0.2 is all about Qt5 alone - no QtMultimedia, QtWebkit - and in even though QtMultimedia currently doesn't seem to support video acceleration (and with QML as well), it still manages to get something done if the video is SD.

Maybe there are some applications at present, concerning SD Webcams or SD video playback - that would be accessible.

So Qt5Box v0.3 will at least have (hopefully) GStreamer integration which is pretty straight-forward, and as for Webkit, still considering if that's an advantage as well!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Qt5Box v0.2 - Cubieboard A10 Fixes

Ok, so my cubieboard A10 model is severely crippled when it comes to video output, but I went ahead and tried to build Cubie A10 targets in Qt5Box.

Recently though, a member of the community reached out and decided to donate his cubieboard A10 to the project - and a big, big thank you goes out to him for his gesture.

Isaac Chavarria, a.k.a. ikeeki has been doing some outstanding work in the Cubieboard community and you're welcome to follow up on his work with Cubiuntu.

That said, I went on to test Qt5Box with Cubieboard A10. If you own one of these and wish to take Qt5Box v0.2 for a spin, then take these notes with you:

cb1-rootfs a.k.a. Cubieboard A10 Framebuffer:

- /opt needed write permissions for app deployment

after booting your cubieboard from the supplied SD Card image, change permissions to /opt like so:

# chmod -R a+rwx /opt/

that way, Qt Creator will be able to deploy the app files to your cubieboard.

cb1-rootfs-x11 a.k.a. Cubieboard A10 X11:

- /opt needed write permissions for app deployment (same as above)

- updated /etc/slim.conf with the correct user for auto-login
(having the wrong user set up would prevent slim from starting up properly and as a result of that, no Desktop)

Edit /etc/slim.conf and update the following line:

default_user        cubie

... and this is it for Cubieboard A10.

Of course, these fixes should be included in the next version of Qt5Box, once it's out!