Wednesday 2 April 2014

Qt 5.2.1 + GStreamer - HW Acceleration

Yesterday, a user posted his work with Cubieboard, Qt 5 and GStreamer on the Forum Thread. While it is unclear if this was achieved with A10 or A20 (the dealxtreme package that was referred to doesn't clarify if it's an A10 or an A20 board) I decided to take my recent build for a spin and see if the GStreamer performance was in any way similar/better/worse than what was presented.

Having said that, I published a video on my youtube channel comparing video playback for both the video used by semlanik (DiVX) and another Big Buck Bunny sample, using h264 - using my setup.

As stated, on my side this was all done using Qt 5.2.1 and stock GStreamer 0.10, integrated with QtMultimedia, from the work done last month - not much effort there, QtMultimedia/GStreamer integration is pretty straight-forward, no optimizations done to GStreamer as I haven't yet started working on those.

The DiVX video is playing normally and with graphical effects on top - I used the included qmlvideofx sample app, cross-compiled from Qt Creator on my laptop and remotely deployed over SSH to Cubieboard (A20).

When selecting the h264 video, problems arise. I've replied to semlanik in hope of confirming (or not) the current issues with h264 on his side as well, hopefully he'll reply soon.

Regarding GStreamer acceleration, one possibility would be to use the Cedrus project, integrate libvdpau-sunxi with GStreamer on Cubie (and quite possibly this would only work on an X11 environment, due to VDPAU requirements).

Another possibility would be to resort to libhybris.

For a quick run-down regarding accelerated video on Cubie, there's also this interesting wiki page.

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